👩‍🏫How to Manage Back Pain👩‍🏫

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2020



What To Do About Back Pain

Whether new to strength training or barbell junkies, most of us at some point in our lifting career will experience the dreaded… lower back pain.

If you just picked up a dumbbell set or barbell for your home gym, hit it hard with increasing weights quickly, and ended up with that “it hurts to breathe” kind of back pain, we’ve got relief coming your way!


Our friend Tony Comella (@tony.comella on Instagram) is a Physical Therapist, Coach, Owner of ADAPT Physical Therapy, and Co-Founder of @e3rehab. He knows a thing or two about training-related injuries and can help you stay healthy and strong.

Regarding pain and lower back pain in particular, the solution may not be what you think! The old advice of sitting on the couch and not moving for months and months is now outdated.

Here’s what Dr. Tony has to say:

Acute back pain can be scary and frightening. It can stop us from doing activities we enjoy.

And the fear of damage may lead us down a road of false beliefs, fear avoidant behavior and unnecessary spending on ineffective treatments.

Once red flags and sinister pathology has been ruled out, the goal is to build people back up. Let them know the human body and their spine is strong and resilient.

It is safe and healthy to move, but might we need to modify some exercises and activity temporarily.


Tony posted a few exercises given to a patient 5 days after an intense episode of low back pain:

1️⃣Hip Hinge with Medicine Ball

2️⃣Box Squat

3️⃣TRX Assisted Split Squat

4️⃣Side-Lying Clamshell

5️⃣Short Lever Side Plank

6️⃣Quadruped Rotation

7️⃣Quadruped Flexion/Extension

For more info, check out @tony.comella’s YouTube channel for 10 myths and facts about low back pain!


P.S. Did you know that we offer two ways to workout with us?

This is the opposite of following along with random free workouts on Youtube or Instagram. Our programs are designed to get you real results, applying principles of progressive overload and peripheral heart action training to maximize your workouts.


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This includes customized 12-week programs with strength training and HIIT sessions, depending on your goals and equipment.

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You'll get 15+ Live and On Demand weekly classes, including strength training, core workouts, HIIT, and group coaching sessions on nutrition and mindset.

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