Don’t forget that this life is all a mental projection and that we create our reality by the thoughts we think and beliefs we hold to be “true.”
And a belief is just a thought we repeat over and over and over again.
And the world responds by showing you more and more evidence of that "truth", so you anchor in that belief even deeper.
Think this is woo and not rooted in science?
Think of a red car.
Go drive around today, and tell us what color car you see.
Guarantee it will be red.
We magnetize to us what we focus on, whether it's something we want or something we don't want.
It doesn't matter: it's just your attention on the subject that brings you more of it.
Many people are stuck in their mind right now thinking divisive thoughts and beliefs that don't serve anyone, causing extreme emotional reactions while ignoring their physical health and then blaming external factors without taking any ownership for their current state of being.
And we noticed that social media has felt draining, depleting, and divisive the last couple of months, so we’ve put our heads down and turned to SERVICE.
In that short period of time, we’ve built a brand new wellness app that will deliver ALL of our free educational content + paid programs so you can get out of the black hole of tech addiction and control.
When you are stuck in emotional reactivity and are triggered 24/7, you serve no one — including yourself.
The healthier and less influenced you are, the more helpful, empowered, free and effective you will be in this world.
There has never been a better time to join our community.
Stay tuned for more details about our app launch!

P.S. Here's how to work with us:
NUTRITION: Join our Awaken Your Nutrition by 11/30 to save $500
REGULATION: Join our nervous system workshop by 11/11 for 50% off