surviving does NOT mean thriving

Uncategorized Feb 18, 2021

Hi The! Are you following us on Instagram yet? If not, head on over to now and check out our latest posts full of myth busting and nutrition science education.

One thing we've been talking about lately is: carbohydrates. Poor carbs and sugar are still getting the short-end of the stick as the culprit for America's high obesity rates.

There are so many people out there who genuinely want to take better care of their bodies and health, and this is exactly why we're in the business of nutrition science education instead of following along fad diets. We know how maddening it can be to follow a protocol that has been advertised to help, only to lead you down the path of long-term yo yo dieting, out-of-whack hormones, and stubborn body fat that won't budge.

So, we're here to change up the narrative you're probably hearing...

Just because you can SURVIVE without carbs doesn’t mean you’re THRIVING.

Repeat after us:


On the contrary...

👉Eating any macronutrient in excess (more than what your body needs at a given time) can lead to fat storage 🤯

Most weight loss from Keto, intermittent fasting, Whole 30, and other popular restriction protocols is caused by being in a caloric deficit, perhaps unknowingly at times.

If one of those worked for you, more power to you! We’re also interested in your overall health, athletic performance, mental and physical energy, fertility, libido, and how likely you are to stick with a nutrition protocol as a long-term, lifestyle change.⁣ 🤸🏻‍♂️⁣

Here’s why we love carbs:⁣

✅First of all, let’s clear the air once and for all that carbs are not limited to pizza, pasta, and ice cream, which are usually a COMBO of carbs and fat, if not more fat than anything. Carbs also include fruits and veggies, people! I repeat, VEGGIES!🥦🥬🥒🥗 ⁣

✅When consumed in a balanced way, you can utilize carbs to FUEL all aspects of your day.

✅Carbs are the body’s preferred source of fuel in the form of glucose for muscle contraction, brain function, and organ function. In other words, when you don’t consume carbohydrates, your body will find a way to make glucose internally. It’s THAT important.⁣ If you’re truly doing Keto correctly and running on ketones... guess what? That’s your body’s double backup plan when carbs aren’t available and is NOT your the preferred way of operating.

✅Carbs make you happy. Seriously. Carbs contribute to serotonin production and mood stabilization when consumed in a balanced fashion. Have you gone low carb, lost your energy for workouts, lost your temper, felt down or depressed, and even lost your period?😱

✅When you remove the labeling of “good” and “bad” from your plethora of food items and instead shift your perspective to what you CAN have and what feels awesome in your body, we start to see that there is room for carbs in life.

Please forward this email to a friend who is ready for more carbs in their life!

p.s. we only have a few coaching spots left this February!! We're filling up fast and our members are seeing some incredible results. Scroll down to book your discovery call today!


Upcoming Workshops:


What our members are saying:

"This year's live workouts have kept me sane - they've made it so easy just to turn up and workout when I've just wanted to slide into a pandemic-cocoon on the couch. And what's more the classes are fun - I have really valued having workout buddies to sweat alongside and the support and encouragement of the GDL family. I've also really appreciated the thought behind the progressive programming - and of course Shannon's instruction is among the best in the business - somehow she can make sure that everyone's form is on point via Zoom. :-) Not sure I'm going to go back to live gym workouts any time soon." ~Anya C.

"I worked with Shannon back in 2019 and got to my goal weight in 5 months. She gave me all the tools I needed to succeed while we worked together.

Then COVID hit and I ate / slept / sat on my couch and the weight came roaring back.

Along with the extra pounds, my mental head space was a mess as well. Now with the support of GDL, I weigh less than I was pre-COVID and feel great inside & out." ~Michelle Y.


Let's Talk

Want more information about our life-changing 12-week Awaken Your Nutrition and Training program?

Book a free discovery call today.

You'll speak with a Green Door Life team member and learn more about flexible payments and the right type of program to support your goals and learning style.

Click the Discovery Call link below or forward this to a loved one who is ready for this support in their life 👇

P.S. Looking for more nutrition, health, and training support? Here are 2 ways we can help you:  


(1) WATCH OUR FREE MASTERCLASS → Discover the 3-step system in our that helps you activate your natural weight management code without restricting your favorite foods or exercising excessively! Click here to register and view at your convenience.


(2) GET LEAN → If you’re ready to permanently lose at least 10 pounds in as little as 8 weeks or want to maximize your performance and muscle tone, then book a discovery call with us.

Stay In The Loop 

Follow us on social media for live Q&A sessions, recipes, workouts, health tips, and other free educational content. 


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