Awaken Your Inner Coach

A 6-9 month Coaching Program, Certification + Course

Most coaching programs provide a baseline education on a specific topic + a paper certification. But this is simply not enough to be an effective coach working with real people with real challenges.

You can give people all the right information and scientific facts to lead them to success, but if you don't know how to help those who struggle with underlying fixed mindsets and emotional triggers, they likely won't see results. 

Awaken Your Inner Coach will not only provide you with the deeper education required to help clients be successful in our flagship programming, but also how to start and sustain a thriving business, continuously attract new clients, avoid burnout, and learn to sell and market in a way that feels effortless (and not sleazy).

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As Seen On / Presented At:

We Help You, Help Others

Few paths are as transformative and rewarding as the quest to understand one’s own body and the ability to guide someone else in their quest. 

Yet for those who have been on the coaching path for some time, it can also be wrought with frustration.

For instance how do you process the imposter syndrome or not feeling like you, as the coach, have the answers to guide someone else in their journey. Beliefs that contradict themselves from one day to the next? 

How do you create balance and maintain boundaries in your coaching sessions while showing up with such excellence in your coaching practice? 

And how do you apply everything you learn practically all while learning the in's and outs of keeping your calendar organized, running your business, managing social media, and also having a life? 

Enter Awaken Your Inner Coach. 

By applying the science of nutrition, coaching practices  and embodiment of the practical day to day flow of living a balanced and healthy life you gain the empowered experience of the why behind how to show up as an effective coach.

Awaken Your Inner Coach presents an opportunity to start transforming every dimension of your life.

The Awaken Your Inner Coach Framework

Our holistic approach that integrates both the art and science of nutrition coaching to support successful behavioral change in others:

  • NAMS Nutrition Coach Certification
  • Practical Training and Case Study Reviews
  • Embodiment and Growth Mindset
  • Exercise Science
  • Integrated Team Support
  • Business Administration

One aspect of being a nutrition coach includes having an in-depth knowledge of nutrition and exercise science and being able to communicate that effectively to others, but the other and equally important aspect is being able to adapt to all different types of clients, meet them where they're at, understand how they learn best, help them see a different version of themselves (a vision that they can commit to), and ultimately achieve their goals. To assist in this process, we have created a robust training program to facilitate high-quality coaching.

Meet Your Instructors

Shannon Morse

Shannon spent the earlier part of her adult life struggling to understand why "clean eating" didn't result in feeling healthy or presenting the lean physique that she would expect despite spending hours a day exercising and moving as a motivated, busy personal trainer. 

Shannon's personal experience drove her to search out how she could use nutrition not only for health, but for body composition goals. Her research led her to understand that her nutritional practices went far deeper than health alone, it was a gateway to discovering limiting beliefs and how they manifested in our health and body composition. 

Through her personal research and her research working with thousands of clients, she discovered a framework to provide not only the science of how nutrition works in our body, but how we can create a whole new identity of self through the process. Breaking down old behavior patterns and healing through our relationship to food.

Lisa Kirby

Lisa also struggled with maintaining the physique she wanted during college and for many years afterward, constantly jumping from one exercise plan and fad diet to the next without seeing long-term results. With two kids, a full-time job, and a partner who worked 24 hour shifts, Lisa was tired of feeling burned out and seemingly betrayed by her body despite all the effort she was exerting.

With such a heavy focus on physical performance for so many years, Lisa was delighted to find the missing pieces to the puzzle – nutrition and mentality – upon joining The Green Door Life team.

After thriving on the program herself and beyond the obvious physical results achieved, Lisa was equally excited about the additional non-scale victories: better sleep, increased and consistent energy all day long (for real), more patience, less anxiety, and a healthy, positive outlook… the list goes on and on.

Whether Olympic athletes, Cirque de Soleil artists, elite company executives, or household CEOs: when the world’s top performers want to take their mental and physical health into their own hands, they turn to The Green Door Life Founders, Shannon Morse and Lisa Kirby.

As licensed Diet Doc LLC owners, our nutrition education is grounded in flexible dieting and macronutrient science.

To this day, we have helped thousands of people break free from restrictive eating habits, break up with yo-yo dieting, and break down any limiting beliefs around the physique they're able to achieve.

Explore the Curriculum 

Awaken Your Inner Coach is a 6 month program that includes an interactive course, weekly team coaching calls, nutrition science certification through NAMS, and real time support through client journey's from the Green Door Life co-founders Shannon Morse and Lisa Kirby as well as the Green Door Life team of coaches. 

We believe that coaching is an art, and a requested phenomenon. Not only do we need to provide the education to support clients through their journeys, we also are being asked to hold space for clients to discover their own answers inside of their experience. 

Awaken Your Inner Coach strikes a balance between science, intuitive listening and running your own business . As you progress through each week, you’ll experience both a-ha moments that impact you on a deeply personal level as well as practical breakthroughs that noticeably amplify your performance, productivity, clarity of mind, and daily vitality.

By the end of the program, you can expect to emerge with a whole new perspective on yourself, your health, and your ability to transform yourself and others.

Why NAMS? 

Choosing a certification body can sometimes feel like option overload. How do you choose the certification body that is right for you and the services you want to provide as a health or nutrition coach? Not only have we received nutrition certifications through NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) ACE, and various continued education, we have also supported both clients and coaches who have gone through trainings with ISSN, naturopathic medicine, intuitive eating certifications and more. 

What we have found is although these certifications may deliver the science and education, they fail to provide HOW to coach in day to day practice. 

This is one of the reasons we have chosen NAMS (National Academy of Metabolic Sciences) as our certification partner. NAMS provides both the education, and the practical application of supporting clients through their unique health protocols and challenges from a clinical standpoint. 

This certification paired with our movement, mindset, and business education support pack a quadruple punch to sky rocket your coaching career with excellence beyond just a certification. 

Are you ready to get started? Let's do this!

Awaken Your Inner Coach

Valued At Over $10,000, But Pay Way Less!

What You Get In 6-Month Coaching Program, With Skills To Last A Lifetime!

  • NAMS certification ($1,199)
  • Easy-to-follow weekly video lessons to get you set up as an independent contractor, get familiar with our platforms and software, and onboard you as a coach
  • Access to our 12-week nutrition course, 8-week exercise science course, growth mindset and embodiment trainings, Coach's course, marketing course and more ($2,500)
  • Updated personalized macronutrient and calorie ranges + sample meal plan with unlimited adjustments as needed ($480)
  • Weekly 1-hour team calls to fine-tune your coaching practice, including continued case study reviews, Q&As, embodiment and growth mindset training, marketing and social media training and more ($3,000+)
  • Continued support for your own wellness journey with direct feedback from co-founders Shannon Morse and Lisa Kirby ($3,000)
  • Personalized training program delivered through our app ($450)
  • Complimentary All Access Pass: unlimited membership to our 15+ weekly LIVE online exercise and wellness studio classes + hundreds of on-demand recordings ($3,000+)
  • Private community forum with access to all coaches, including 1:1 in-depth office hour calls with co-founders ($300)
  • Desktop accessibility + smartphone app to learn on-the-go ($300)
  • Referral incentives for bringing in new clients (unlimited $$$) 

Ready to Get Started?

Start your program immediately by selecting one of the following payment options.

Or, email us to book a free 30-minute call first. You'll speak directly with Shannon Morse and Lisa Kirby, co-founders of The Green Door Life, who will answer any questions you have and share more details about our incredible coaching program.

Email Us

Pricing Options

Awaken Your Coach is for graduates of our 12-week Awaken Your Nutrition 1:1 coaching program only.

If you haven't already, please sign up for our 12-week 1:1 coaching program first before applying as a coach:

Awaken Your Nutrition

2 Monthly Payments of:


Flex payments spread out over 2 months

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1 Payment of:


Pay in full


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