Appreciation vs. Gratitude

Uncategorized Nov 02, 2020

The, feeling that pre-election frenetic energy?


One thing we like to do to help stay grounded through any stressful or anxious event is to practice appreciation.

We talked about this at length on our group coaching call last week.

Appreciation, not gratitude. 

With gratitude, the word and concept has become convoluted for many of us.

It may feel like or chore or one more thing we have to do.

When we start writing or saying out loud, "I'm grateful for...", it can bring up a hint of shame or guilt, as if you are not worthy of the very thing for which you're about to claim gratitude.

On the other hand, practicing appreciation can bring you more easily into total joy, love and alignment.

When you appreciate someone or something with the pure intention of celebration and love without feeling unworthy and...


What To Do About Back Pain

Whether new to strength training or barbell junkies, most of us at some point in our lifting career will experience the dreaded… lower back pain.

If you just picked up a dumbbell set or barbell for your home gym, hit it hard with increasing weights quickly, and ended up with that “it hurts to breathe” kind of back pain, we’ve got relief coming your way!


Our friend Tony Comella (@tony.comella on Instagram) is a Physical Therapist, Coach, Owner of ADAPT Physical Therapy, and Co-Founder of @e3rehab. He knows a thing or two about training-related injuries and can help you stay healthy and strong.

Regarding pain and lower back pain in...

Just as the right teacher appears when the student is ready, an aligned team member appears whenever we’re ready to expand

Not just anyone, but someone with our shared sense of drive, passion, and service-oriented coaching style. Someone who jumps out of bed daily like we do because she cannot WAIT to share this life-changing information with the world.

Meet our newest lead nutrition and lifestyle coach, Tanya Burton

We know Tanya as a fellow Diet Doc owner (the nutrition division through which we’re licensed). She is also a licensed massage therapist, ISSA certified personal trainer, wife, and expecting mama-to-be.

Tanya’s love of health and fitness is naturally...


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